About me

About me
Photo by Ian Schneider / Unsplash

Hey, my name is Michael. I created this blog to share my insight and knowledge about cyber security and programming, but also to share my journey in indie hacking. I'm always building something new or designing a cool idea on a piece of paper, why not build something that people would enjoy and make a living of that?

I'm currently building:

  • SAMLA - A smart online bookmarking service for all your links and snippets you stumble upon
  • Project: Encrypted Dreams - Secret project so far :)
  • Bountystrike - One stop platform for all your recon and vulnerability discovery

My day job involves hacking systems and networks, I believe I have some interesting stories to tell from my assignments, which I will write more about on this blog.

I am also interested in artificial intelligence (who isn't) which I am currently studying in my free time. Hopefully, I can begin writing about that as well.

When I'm not deep into technology, I'm most likely spending time with my two sons and my girlfriend.

If you think my content would help you further your knowledge in cyber security, development and AI, sign up for my newsletter and get notified immediately when I publish my articles. I think it will be fun!